Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's That Time of Year

 I can't believe Labor Day has come and gone and it is now officially unofficially fall. What I can't believe even more is that the kids are all going to be in school next week. Where have my babies gone? J&M are off to pre-k in "real school." By "real school" I mean in public school, not in a preschool where I need to shell out money every month to educate my children. It is still only 2.5 hours a day but they are going to be going to a school that is funded by tax dollars and where the teachers are referred to as Ms. Last Name instead of Miss First Name.

There was some confusion last week when the long-anticipated packets finally came from the school last week and I found out that J&M were in different classes. I had expected them to be in the same class due to information I had been told at registration back in April that was, apparently, wrong. So there was a lot of "should they be together or separate?" Ultimately I (because T was really not much of a help in this decision) decided that we will keep them separated. It is making me kind of sad because they have been together in everything... including my uterus. But my hope is that it will help them to develop as individuals because let's face it, they are not "the twins," they are J and M. Two different kids with different interests and personalities. Sigh. Tomorrow we're going to meet the teachers. That means they can find out how crazy I am because I won't let my kids drink the milk they provide because it is not organic. I'm not really thrilled with the snacks they are providing either but I'm not sure how militant I should be with this stuff. The milk is not debatable though.

Tonight was A's meet the teacher night. She's only going to be in a toddler class twice a week, but it will be the first time she is separated from me and that is giving me some anxiety because I know she's going to freak. Also I feel a little guilty because J&M didn't go to a toddler class, they started in the 3-year old class. I don't feel guilty because J&M didn't go, but because A is going. Almost like I'm trying to push her out or something. I know this probably sounds silly but I feel like I'm doing everything so much earlier with her on one hand, but on the other I treat her a lot more like a baby than I did when J&M were 2.5. I guess that's where the whole "baby of the family" thing comes from.

Well, that's it for today.

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