Friday, September 6, 2013

A Fall Tease

I hate summer. Everyone I know knows this. Heat, humidity, bugs.. ugh, its not for me. At all. My hair is a huge frizzy ball and my clothes stick to my body. I seem to move in slow motion against the wall of moisture-filled air that is a staple of a Long Island Summer. Did I mention I also despise yard work?
So, while some people break out the mourning gear as Labor Day weekend comes to an end, I begin to come out of hibernation. The promise of cool air, the crunch of leaves under my boots, and the scent of cinnamon-y candles filling my house just makes me giddy. Oh, and let's not forget the grass stops growing.
With a cold front rolling through the area last night, we left behind the humid, sticky mess we'd been in fore several weeks and welcomed a hint of fall. It might just be a tease, since its supposed to be in the 80's again next week, but for the first time in months I slept without an air conditioner last night. I took the kids to the playground today without leaving with everyone drenched in sweat. And, I started to think about fall clothes and autumn decorations for the house. Cozy sweaters! Riding Boots! They're just waiting to be broken out. I'm tired of maintaining a pedicure. Let's hide these toes in some boots and let the polish chip off.
So let's all wave goodbye to summer. I do apologize if you love it, but it will be back next year, and then you can do your own happy dance as my hair explodes in volume.

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