Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hump Day

This has been an exhausting week, and its only Wednesday.
The kids all started school this week, which went great for them, but has proved to be exhausting for me.
Pick-up and drop-off at pre-k is like being in school all over again myself as all the parents have to wait outside on lines as we wait for our kids' classes to be called. Drop off has been ok, but pick-up, that's a different story. First, I get there 10-15 min before just so I can be toward the front of the line and wait in the shady area instead of in the blazing hot sun as summer has made a very unwelcome return the past couple of days.. Then, finally, they start calling everyone in, but start with the higher number classrooms first. And where are my kids? Yes, that's right, in two of the lowest-number classrooms. So, then after a whole lot of waiting (with an impatient two-year old, to boot) I have to figure out how to get my two kids. The first two days I went in when they called J's room, and was able to pick M up on the way. So she was first out of her room, but then I'm last on the line for J's room, and I feel terrible he's the last one out, like he's thinking I forgot about him, when the reality is I've been at the school for a freaking half an hour already. So, today, I cheated. I went in when they called the room before J's room and got them both out of their rooms first! No one seemed to care, but I'm sure at some point I'll be yelled at for breaking the rules.

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Fall Tease

I hate summer. Everyone I know knows this. Heat, humidity, bugs.. ugh, its not for me. At all. My hair is a huge frizzy ball and my clothes stick to my body. I seem to move in slow motion against the wall of moisture-filled air that is a staple of a Long Island Summer. Did I mention I also despise yard work?
So, while some people break out the mourning gear as Labor Day weekend comes to an end, I begin to come out of hibernation. The promise of cool air, the crunch of leaves under my boots, and the scent of cinnamon-y candles filling my house just makes me giddy. Oh, and let's not forget the grass stops growing.
With a cold front rolling through the area last night, we left behind the humid, sticky mess we'd been in fore several weeks and welcomed a hint of fall. It might just be a tease, since its supposed to be in the 80's again next week, but for the first time in months I slept without an air conditioner last night. I took the kids to the playground today without leaving with everyone drenched in sweat. And, I started to think about fall clothes and autumn decorations for the house. Cozy sweaters! Riding Boots! They're just waiting to be broken out. I'm tired of maintaining a pedicure. Let's hide these toes in some boots and let the polish chip off.
So let's all wave goodbye to summer. I do apologize if you love it, but it will be back next year, and then you can do your own happy dance as my hair explodes in volume.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's That Time of Year

 I can't believe Labor Day has come and gone and it is now officially unofficially fall. What I can't believe even more is that the kids are all going to be in school next week. Where have my babies gone? J&M are off to pre-k in "real school." By "real school" I mean in public school, not in a preschool where I need to shell out money every month to educate my children. It is still only 2.5 hours a day but they are going to be going to a school that is funded by tax dollars and where the teachers are referred to as Ms. Last Name instead of Miss First Name.

There was some confusion last week when the long-anticipated packets finally came from the school last week and I found out that J&M were in different classes. I had expected them to be in the same class due to information I had been told at registration back in April that was, apparently, wrong. So there was a lot of "should they be together or separate?" Ultimately I (because T was really not much of a help in this decision) decided that we will keep them separated. It is making me kind of sad because they have been together in everything... including my uterus. But my hope is that it will help them to develop as individuals because let's face it, they are not "the twins," they are J and M. Two different kids with different interests and personalities. Sigh. Tomorrow we're going to meet the teachers. That means they can find out how crazy I am because I won't let my kids drink the milk they provide because it is not organic. I'm not really thrilled with the snacks they are providing either but I'm not sure how militant I should be with this stuff. The milk is not debatable though.

Tonight was A's meet the teacher night. She's only going to be in a toddler class twice a week, but it will be the first time she is separated from me and that is giving me some anxiety because I know she's going to freak. Also I feel a little guilty because J&M didn't go to a toddler class, they started in the 3-year old class. I don't feel guilty because J&M didn't go, but because A is going. Almost like I'm trying to push her out or something. I know this probably sounds silly but I feel like I'm doing everything so much earlier with her on one hand, but on the other I treat her a lot more like a baby than I did when J&M were 2.5. I guess that's where the whole "baby of the family" thing comes from.

Well, that's it for today.