Monday, August 26, 2013

Lazy, oh yeah and the VMAs.

Could I be any lazier today? I'm being the most terrible mom ever, letting the kids watch tv and play games on the xbox the entire day, but I just can't motivate myself to get off the couch. They are fighting over whether to watch Dora or Elmo while I just shrug my shoulders and let them figure it out.
I could have been using this time constructively, perhaps getting some work done, but no, I'm too busy reading articles about the train wreck that was Miley Cyrus at the VMAs last night.
Seriously, what was up with her? Some people are calling her a whore or a skank, or whatever synonym you choose for that general idea, but I think she was trying to make some kind of desperate attempt at ditching the "Hannah Montana" image of her teen days. It's like she was saying "Yeah would Hannah Montana do this ?(as she masturbates with a big foam finger) and this? (as she twerks up against Robin Thicke's crotch) Fuck you all!"

And so, not only did I already dislike the song "Don't Stop," but she also ruined "Blurred Lines" for me, which had been my favorite song of the summer. I found the video for "Blurred Lines," tons of boobies and all, less offensive than Miley's performance last night. Robin Thicke could have done a live performance of the video and I think there would be less controversy.

So let me get of the Miley/Robin rant for a minute and talk about the awesomeness of Justin Timberlake. I already have a not-so-secret crush on him, and his performance last night made me love him all that much more. And the N*Sync reunion made me smile from ear-to-ear. When N*Sync was popular, I was in college, so I really wasn't supposed to like boy bands. But now that it's 15 years later, I'm not ashamed to say I was a fan. I wasn't screaming at their concerts or anything, but I was blasting "Dirty Pop" in my car.
We have tickets to see Justin in November and after watching him last night, I can't wait!

I'd also like to give out props to Gaga for her creativity and Mermaid thong. And Macklemore, because I have a lot of respect for him in writing, releasing, and performing 'Same Love." It brought a tear to my eye when he won the VMA for Best Video with a Message. If you haven't seen the video for this song, you absolutely need to check it out.

So that's my take on the VMAs. I kind of wanted to see Katy Perry close the show but I'd had enough before we got that far. I enjoyed episode 7 of season two of "Downton Abbey" much more. Where have I been the past few years this show has been on? I'll save that for next time. I need to go back to being lazy now.

Friday, August 23, 2013

I suck at blogs

Why am I doing this yet again? I am probably the worst offender of staring blogs and then not writing anything. Time is not something I have a lot of. If I had more of it, there wouldn't be piles of laundry in every bedroom or baskets full of laundry waiting to be put away. I wouldn't have to dig through the mountain of clothes on top of my kids' train table when they need pajamas (maybe getting rid of the train table will motivate me - not like its actually used for the train anymore).

Maybe I want to chronicle my life.. or more accurately, my kids' lives. It is gong so fast. I say to myself in the moment, "I will never forget this," but then as time marches on, the memories start to fade until they are just warm fuzzy thoughts. I can't remember anything specific, just general things. I never kept a baby book so I didn't keep track of their first anything. I thought I'd remember the age they were when they first smiled at me, cut a tooth or said their first words, but it all just blurs together.

The other blogs I've tried have all been about specific things, something I was trying at the time - like running, or crocheting, or trying to cut sugar out of my diet (now what was I thinking with that one?). If I just wanted to write something about what happened that day - whether funny, or cute, or just downright frustrating, I didn't feel like it was the right place.

So maybe now, maybe with this venture, I'll be more committed. Ask me again in three months.