Friday, August 23, 2013

I suck at blogs

Why am I doing this yet again? I am probably the worst offender of staring blogs and then not writing anything. Time is not something I have a lot of. If I had more of it, there wouldn't be piles of laundry in every bedroom or baskets full of laundry waiting to be put away. I wouldn't have to dig through the mountain of clothes on top of my kids' train table when they need pajamas (maybe getting rid of the train table will motivate me - not like its actually used for the train anymore).

Maybe I want to chronicle my life.. or more accurately, my kids' lives. It is gong so fast. I say to myself in the moment, "I will never forget this," but then as time marches on, the memories start to fade until they are just warm fuzzy thoughts. I can't remember anything specific, just general things. I never kept a baby book so I didn't keep track of their first anything. I thought I'd remember the age they were when they first smiled at me, cut a tooth or said their first words, but it all just blurs together.

The other blogs I've tried have all been about specific things, something I was trying at the time - like running, or crocheting, or trying to cut sugar out of my diet (now what was I thinking with that one?). If I just wanted to write something about what happened that day - whether funny, or cute, or just downright frustrating, I didn't feel like it was the right place.

So maybe now, maybe with this venture, I'll be more committed. Ask me again in three months.

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